About Inspection Resources

Inspection Resources is a Concrete X-Ray Scanning Service and GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Service company servicing Los Angeles, Orange County and surrounding areas.

Minimize your risk on your construction project, give Inspection Resources a call today and see how we can help.

That is why Inspection Resources was formed. Nondestructive testing such as Concrete X-Ray Imaging and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) prevents people, the environment, and existing structures from being inadvertently harmed by construction activities or defective materials. It is the only thing we do, so we do it right.

Inspection Resources - the concrete x-ray imaging experts have over 30 years of experience

A few things we’re great at!


Your results are only as good as the technicians who conduct the tests.

Each of our technicians meets rigorous on-the-job training and certification requirements. Internally, we encourage exchanging ideas and sharing lessons learned to ensure continuous process improvement. Our team members stay current with innovations in equipment, technology, and testing methods through a range of educational programs, certification courses, and internal peer reviews.



You can act confidently using the information provided on-site and in our reports.

We understand that results can be difficult to accurately interpret. That is why our technicians possess the expertise necessary to record accurate readings. On-site markings are precise and reports include clear text explanations, pho-tography, industry standard notations, and updated CAD drawings (as required).


You really don’t want to pay more than is necessary.

We use the best equipment available in each of our service areas. For example, for structural scanning services we have both concrete x-ray radiography and GPR scanning equipment in-house, enabling us to provide the level of detail and accuracy you need, where you need it, and at competitive prices. Inspection Resources is an industry leader! 



Your time is money.

We are on site within 24 hours for more than 90% of our projects. Once the test is complete, we create reports and distribute them digitally, often in near real time, getting the information to the people working on site as quickly as possible to avoid prolonged delays. Inspection Resources is the team you can depend on!

What makes Inspection Resources the best Concrete X-Ray imaging and GPR Scanning company in Southern California? Our team! With over 30 years of experience, Inspection Resources understands your needs and can provide you with solutions.

Inspection Resources Team

Renee Karpan
Office Administrator
Certified Payroll Officer

Monique Edwards
Kevin Watte
Dispatch – Project Administrator

Ryan Barkley
Field Technician
Operations Manager

Daniel Ellenwood
Senior Technician
Daniel Jones
NDT Technician
Ken Betts
Senior Technician

Dante Walker
Field Technician