Non-Destructive Testing Services
(NDT - UT/MT/PT)Non-Destructive Testing Services in Los Angeles and Orange County
Non-Destructive Testing (sometimes referred to as NDT or NDE) of structural steel components has become an important inspection element in areas of high seismic activity. This specialty, especially with Ultrasonic Testing, requires each technician to be familiar with a wide variety of connection types which affect proper interpretation of test results. Our technicians are thoroughly trained to recognize these complexities and are provided added in-house support if needed.
Our NDT department maintains the strictest standards of care in its training and certification program which conforms with ASNT SNT-TC-1A recommended practice and maintain procedures for AWS D1.1, ASME, and Post-Seismic Evaluation Survey.
Need Non-destructive testing services? Schedule an appointment.

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Ultrasonic Testing is used to find flaws in complete joint penetration and partial joint penetration welds. This test method is widely used in seismic moment resisting frames and process piping.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
Magnetic Particle Testing is a popular method for testing of fillet welds. It is complimentary with visual inspection practices and can find weld defects up to 1/8” below surfaces.

Dye Penetrant Testing (PT)
Dye Penetrant Testing uses a penetrating dye which saturates the pores of a weld, then, a developer is applied to provide contrast. Any surface defect in the weld is becomes clearly visible